BC-366, BC-345 Switch boxes available

Tom Norris badger at TELALINK.NET
Sun Oct 19 01:24:57 EDT 1997

There was a discusson a while back on switchboxes used with
the BC-375 and other airborn WWII gear. I recently came across
a small stash of unused switch/jack boxes if anyone needs any.

Here is what I have -- All NIB 42-44 vintage.

4 each BC-366 Switch/jack box , volume control, 5 position switch
( comp-liaison-command-inter-call) Fair wants $10 each + shipping.
I want ( no snickering) $10 shipped anywhere in the world.

1 BC-366 NIB with volume pot missing - free with first order to ask for it.

5 each BC-345 switch box 3 position RANGE-VOICE-BOTH switch.
( no "beam filter" just the box. ) $5 shipped.

No offer will be refused, interesting trades welcome.


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