Heath FS

Gary Harmon gharmon at TXDIRECT.NET
Sun Oct 19 23:43:10 EDT 1997

Need to move some extra equipment.  Format is make/model/description/price.
 Plus shipping.  Email for details on any item(s).  Trades considered.
Thanks in advance and 73,


Heath/AC-1/Antenna Coupler/40
Heath/AG-7/Audio oscillator/10
Heath/AV-2/Audio VTVM/20
Heath/HD-15/Phone Patch/20
Heath/HX-20/SSB Transmitter/90
Heath/HW-17A/2m AM Transceiver/90
Heath/HW-101/SSB Transceiver w/CW Filter/90
Heath/ID-101/Scope Switch/20
Heath/IG-42/Lab Signal Generator/30
Heath/IM-11     /VTVM/20
Heath/IM-16     /Solid State VOM/40
Heath/IM-30     /Transistor Tester/20
Heath/S-2/Electronic Switch/10
Heath/SB-10/SSB Adapters (2)/50
Heath/SG-7/Signal Generator/10
Heath/T-2/Signal Tracer/10
Heath/T-3/Signal Tracer/20
Jetronics/LA-265D/Scope plug-in/5
Knight/KG-694/Solid State VOM/20
Lafayette/HE-45A/6m Transceiver + VFO/75
Simpson/653/AC Amp Adapter for 260      /20
SWAN/350/       SSB Transceiver + PS + Speaker/150

Gary H. Harmon, Jr., K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX 78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at txdirect.net

+Too Many Projects, Not Enough Time!
++Better to Have and Not Need than to Need and Not Have!
+++Pack Unto Others As You Would Have Them Pack Unto You!

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