Schematics needed

Roy M Hawkins wa9kec at JUNO.COM
Tue Oct 21 05:19:54 EDT 1997

Hi Boatanchor gang,

I am looking for schematics and/or manuals for the following equipment,

(1) Johnson 6&2 TX type 240-201
(2) Johnson 6&2 VFO
(3) EICO model 730 modulator driver
(4) Tapetone XC-50 RX converter

I will pay copy cost and postage ect.

73, Hawk
About 30 miles west of Milwaukee, Wi.
Real radio's glow in the dark.
AX.25          WA9KEC at WA9KEC.EN53SA.WI.USA.NOAM
Internet       WA9KEC at JUNO.COM

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