Historical articles from PMMC requested

Jeffrey Herman jeffreyh at HAWAII.EDU
Tue Oct 21 20:29:04 EDT 1997

I would like copies of the following articles from the journal Proceedings
of the Merchant Marine Council. Postage, copying, and handling fees gladly

"Alarm Signals Established," vol. 19, Feb 62

"Merchant Vessel Procedures for Assisting  an Aircraft that Must Ditch,"
  vol. 19, March 62

"Revised Radio Beacon System," vol. 20, June 63

"The Merchant Vessel as an Aid in Ditching," vol. 13, Auguest 56

"Warning," vol. 19, March 63

"Global Maritime Communications," vol. 11, October 54

"XXX XXX XXX DH MEDICO," vol. 12, August 55

Thank-you in advance!
Jeff KH2PZ

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