Comments re Blind ham assistance
Jim Strohm
jstrohm at TEXAS.NET
Sun Oct 26 22:55:44 EST 1997
I'd like to thank everybody on the list who's taken the time
to reply to my request for a rig for a visually impaired ham.
He's legally blind, not totally blind, and needs a decent, inexpensive
HF rig with CW TX capabilities -- voice is nice but not required.
Since he's in a limited-space home where small antennas are minimally OK but
moonraker monuments to the Alcoa Aluminum Company are forbidden, he'd
prefer a tube-final rig to minimize the difficulties of having a
not-quite-resonant antenna system, and to maximize the success of doing
something like loading up the rtoof of the travel trailer he lives in.
Many of you have passed along some valuable hints for visually impaired
hams -- the best so far is "don't tell 'em I'm blind" -- that had me rolling
on the floor, because I know where that is -- and I appreciate the ideas.
I might even collect 'em for a book later. I'm a writer, and this is good
stuff to collect and share.
But basically, my friend needs a rig. We're in Central Texas, and here's
the best part -- I will have to work him on CW until we're both
at 20 WPM so if you can send a rig his way, you will make TWO Extra-class
hams with one rig. And a lot of others can share the joy of copying
something like "RIG HR ES HB 6L6 TX ES HB RX"
I'll never get over how much I dig hearing on CW that somebody built the radio
they're using, even though it's not real hard to do.
P.S. My friend still needs an HF rig!
Jim Strohm
jstrohm at
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