Average Price Information

Gary Harmon gharmon at TXDIRECT.NET
Thu Oct 30 06:48:29 EST 1997

Dear Friends,

A local friend has several pieces of Collins gear for sale.  He asked me to
get a consensus of value.  Please respond to me directly, not the list and
I'll post the
results back to the list later.  For the sake of this posting assume
everything works as expected.  I will forward any offers directly to him.

1.  75A-1, condx  8:  value $

2.  32V-1, condx  8:  value $

3.  32S3/75S3 w CW filter/516F2, condx  9.5:  set value $

4.  SM-1 mike, condx  8:  value $

5.  MM-1 mike, condx 8:  value $

Thanks in advance and very best 73,

Gary H. Harmon, Jr., K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX 78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at txdirect.net

+Too Many Projects, Not Enough Time!
++Better to Have and Not Need than to Need and Not Have!
+++Pack Unto Others As You Would Have Them Pack Unto You!

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