Heathkit Service Bulletins - Status

Joseph W Lutz joelutz at JUNO.COM
Thu Oct 30 20:28:12 EST 1997

Hi All,

   Apparently some of the postings have were a stray, as I have been
getting reports of 'missing' units.  Before I continue on with [Part 4 of
the SB-104], here is a listing of what I have posted to date.  If anyone
has missed what they wanted, please let me know.

GH-1 to 4 (complete)
HW-7-1 to 8 (complete)
HW-8-1 to 11 (less 7 & 8 put out in '77)
HW-100-1 to 23 (less 8 put out in '77)
HW-101-1 to 55 (less 12 thru 17 put out in '77)
SB-100-1 to 21 (less 8 put out in '77)
SSB-101-1D to 5D, 1 to 25 (less 11 put out in '77)
SB-102-1 to 23 (less 13 put out in '77)
SB-200-1 to 4 (less 3 put out in '77)
SB-220-1 to 19 (less 10 thru 12 put out in '77)
SB-221-1 to 3 (complete)
SB-230-1 to 6 (complete)
SB-400-1D, 1 to 5 (complete)
SB-401-1D to 3D, 1 to 14 (complete)
- - - - -
and currently working on SB-104 which goes up to # 84.
- - - - -
Take care.

73 de Joe  W7LPF/4  [NNN0KUU]
Gordonsville, Va 22942 [Orange Co]

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