Collins T-17E-2 information needed

Michael Catalfano mcatalfa at MAIL.WIN.ORG
Wed Sep 17 11:50:17 EDT 1997

Can you help me identify a Collins AM/CW transmitter I've acquired.
The data plate calls the unit a T-17E-2.  It's a 28v dynamotor supplied
unit with all connections and controls on the front panel.  It appears
to have been tray mounted.   There's a pair of 811's driving a 813.  It's
a single channel crystal controlled unit, 3.1xxmhz crystal in it now.
It seems to be a 1940's/WW-II aircraft unit, but thats a guess.  There
are no PA tuning controls which I find interesting.

The radio looks very clean and all the componets look good.   I'd like
to find some information on the radio and see it put into service...

Any thoughts?


              Mike AA2W

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