NEW Sources of Crystals!!

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Tue Sep 23 06:55:15 EDT 1997

"Surplus Al" says:
 I am very Big in Crystals. 100K in stock.
Getting list ready to post on my WEB pages. Home page
 73  Al  W3UGD  Surplus Al

Al Yascavage "SURPLUS AL"     Phone number needed
P.O. Box 215
Hunlock Creek, PA 18621       Crystals for sale. Also has
xtal sockets.

For MANY other sources of crystals, see:

ENJOY!! 73 de AF4K, Bry
*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA  *
**  E-mail to:  bry at                     *
*** See the interesting ham radio resources at:    *
**                     *
AM International #1024, TENTEN #13582. GRID FM19
Rigs: Valiant, DX-60/HG-10, Eldico TR-75, Millen 90810
FT-840, TM-261, Ameco TX-62, Gonset Communicator III
HTX-202...TEN-TEN #13582, DXCC #17,763 Bicentennial WAS

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