Okay, I got the message!

Robert Fowle hammarlund at JACKSONMI.COM
Tue Sep 23 11:12:21 EDT 1997

Kelley, Dave wrote:
> Gosh, when I posted that message about turning the list off I certainly
> didn't expect what I got.  It was much the same as whacking a hornets
> nest with a stick to see if anything was alive in there...  No stings
> though - fortunately.
> Okay, the list stays up...  We can certainly handle the traffic and as
> long as it's wanted, we'll leave it up.  Your tax money at work.
        a WARM and HEARTY......THANK YOU!!!  8-)

Best Regards    Robert Fowle      KC8DBC
my shipping address is: 1215 Winifred..Jackson, Mich. 49202-1946
ICQ #649056
My Web Page:  http://www.jacksonmi.com/hammarlund

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