Tempe BA List - Time to Shut Down?

Robert M. Bratcher Jr. bratcher at WORLDNET.ATT.NET
Tue Sep 23 17:18:40 EDT 1997

At 12:06 AM 9/23/97 +0000, you wrote:
>I would certainly like to see it continue.  I do not use Jack's list as Jack
>is too heavy handed for my own outlook on things and the tempe list works
>for me just fine.  Perhaps now that Summer is over the fellows will make
>more use of it...
>    Tnx for the service,
>        Bob, KE6F

Yes I would too. Sometimes postings show up that are not CC'ed from Jack's
paid BA list. I'd miss those if the free BA list was killed...

bratcher at worldnet.att.net
Record collector, 8mm, super 8, 16 and 35mm Film collector.
Looking for prerecorded reel to reel tape albums.
I like old radio's too.
Collins, Hallicrafters, National & Hammarlund are my Favorites!

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