The "Pay" List

Michael Crestohl mc at SOVER.NET
Sat Sep 27 23:26:53 EDT 1997

Hello All:

I am somewhat if a silent reader of this newsgroup and recently read
some comments about the "pay-to-post" Boatanchors at list.

I hope that you are reading the digests becuase there is a LOT of good
material that I have seen nowhere else.  If you don't have access to
this archival material you are missing out some really great stuff
about our particular area of interest.

True, Jack runs a tight ship but it keeps the postings on-topic.  I
try not to piss him off but once in a while it happens and more than
once have received a nastygram from him but it goes with the territory
and that's that.  Maybe that last posting was a bit too long and should
have been deposited in the archives.

Speaking of the archives there is a LOT of great stuff available by FTP
or listserv e-mail.  I believe that's open to all.

I don't mind paying $12.00 or $20.00 a year to be able to participate
and receive the traffic as it comes.  I have found many neat items posted
for sale and if you don;t see it right as it comes in you'll be too late to
get it.  I've also sold/traded off a few pieces of gear and had I been
required to pay for a YELLOW SHEETS subscription and ad rates it would
have cost a whole lot more.  Now I even save the cost of the annual
subscription to the HTYS which I think is $16.00.  I remember they
used to be old when they were delivered here in New England.

I guess the bottom line is that we like the List the way it is or we'd all
be over here and the "pay" list would wither.  I think this list is good
too and enjoy perusing the subject line and reading the posts.  I hear
there's another boatanchors list on The archives here are great
and I like to browse them through the Web.  I appreciate the good offices
of the City of Tempe for allowing Dave to use their system for three
excellent radio lists.  There's also the
newsgroup.  Its good to see all this interest in "Real" radios.  But if I
had to pick only one to get you can geuss which it'd be.


Michael Crestohl, W1RC
mc at

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