Compilation for James Millen Web Page
Don Buska
d.buska at AAIATE.COM
Wed Apr 1 11:16:14 EST 1998
Hello All,
I am currently putting together an addition to my current web page that
will address James Millen. I am accumulating equipment pictures,
schematics and articles about and by James Millen and the equipment
produced by the James Millen Manufacturing Company.
So far I have pictures and schematics (digitized) of some of my Millen
equipment and also I've been working on a couple of articles that were
written by James in the 1930's.
Here is what I need:
1. Digital pictures of equipment you own (color preferred). If you want
to supply some personnal text about the equipment this will also be
included on the page with your picture.
2. Schematics of James Millen Equipment. If you don't have scanning
ability a clean photo copy to me would be appreciated. I am avoiding
including to many manuals on-line as it does begin to take up a great
deal of disk space.
3. Old papers and articles written about and by James Millen. I want to
avoid those that appeared in QST and the like, because of copyright
restictions. However, I will seek permission with publishers for great
biographical material. - Note: Can anyone supply me with a copy of the
bio from the AWA Review Volume 1 on Mr. Millen? These are no longer in
print from the AWA.
4. Pictures of the man himself. I could scan and return these pictures
to you.
5. Personnal memories of Mr. Millen. I know there are still many people
around that have worked with or associated with him. So any stories or
tid-bits you want to contribute will be most welcome.
I have begun the page creation over the last week. However, It won't be
available for internet access until I've accumulated enough information
to make it useful for those seeking information on Millen equipment or
the man. So please if you have access to a digital camera or scanner and
know where some Millen equipment or documentation exist, please pass it
along to me.
Let me know what you have via email. I want to avoid duplicating
efforts. If I can be of assistance in scanning pictures or documents,
please don't hesitate to ask.
If all goes well and response is high, I hope to have the James Millen
Page(s) on-line within the next two months. I'm doing this in an attempt
to honor a man who has done great service to Ham Radio through his lifes
work at both the National and Millen Companies. All submissions will be
acknowledged on the finished web page, unless withholding is requested.
Please help if you can es 73
Don N9OO
** **
** Don Buska N9OO (EN62bo) Principal Engineer **
** 4805 64th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53144 Advantest America Inc. **
** (414)654-0072 (847)821-3393 **
** d.buska at fax (847)634-2872 **
** **
** ---------------- Wants ------------------ **
** ARRL-LM | James Millen Equipment | CSHVFS **
** AWA | Transmitters by Thordarson, Stancor, | NTMS **
** AMI | UTC and other transformer companies. | **
** CCA | Receiver: National NC-101XA w/speaker | **
** QCWA | Magazines: 73 Mag's from 1960/61 | **
** **
** **
** Home of the Electric Radio Magazine Index **
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