FS:Knight-Kit R-100A "PARTS" Radio

John E. Vercellino jvercellino at SPRYNET.COM
Sun Apr 5 13:00:08 EDT 1998

I have a R100A parts radio for sale.  The parts radio is 90% complete.  There is
one tube missing and at least one electrolytic missing.  I do have the cabinet
for it.  It does not have the optional S-meter but it does have the optional
crystal calibrator in it.  The parts radio goes for $25.00 plus shipping from
the Chicago (60516).  I will also include a photocopy of the assembly manual and
a photocopy of an article on adding a product dectector to the R-100A.  Just
FYI, when packed, the weight of the package comes to around 35 pounds, so hop on
the UPS "Quick Calculator" web site to get an idea of how much you'll pay for

Reply to jvercellino at sprynet.com

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