Hallicrafters SR-75 Transceiver

eaj eaj at HIWAAY.NET
Tue Apr 7 00:25:37 EDT 1998

from eaj at hiwaay.net

        Dear Dave and Al:  Electric Radio 34 (Feb '92) has an article on the
SR-75.  It WAS an S-38 with a ~7.5watt xtal xmitr cobbled into the
back of it.  It was introduced in Jan '51, coincidentally about the same
time the new Novice band was allocated.  The xmittr covered 80, 40, 20,
11, and 10 meters - this being before the 11 meter band was stolen, and
the 15 added.
        HI manuals used to list a manual for $12.25; I don't know what their
current disposition is . . .
        N4TGC Eric

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