Small UTC Transformers

Rod Fitz-Randolph w5hvv at AENEAS.NET
Mon Apr 13 16:01:22 EDT 1998

I have had for a number of years two small cylindrical canned
transformers that measure 7/8" in diameter and 1 3/16" in length.
They are both of aluminum outside construction.

They bear the identification markings of:

   UTC  O-14 (has 4 small solder lugs on bottom marked 1 thru 4).

   UTC  0-7  (has 5 small solder lugs on bottom marked 1,2, 6, 7, 8).

If I were to assume their purpose, I would think they are probably
small audio interstage transformers but I have no inkling as to what
their specifications are.

Is there anyone out there that can identify these little jewels for me?
I would like to use them in some projects if they fit the bill.

Thank you.

Rod, N5HV
w5hvv at

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