BC221E ID plates

Simon Buxton sb at ZIP.COM.AU
Thu Apr 16 08:20:16 EDT 1998

Hi Gang,

I have recently acquired a BC221-E frequency meter. It works fine but is
missing the ID plates, both on the control panel and also on the cover.

I don't suppose anyone would be able to supply replacements?

     ///      Simon Buxton, Sydney, Australia                  \\\
     /// Email    : sb at zip.com.au                              \\\
     /// Web pages: <http://www.zip.com.au/~sb/w_hobby.htm>    \\\
     ///            <http://www.zip.com.au/~sb/hec4.htm>       \\\
     ///            <http://www.zip.com.au/~sb/wars/wars1.htm> \\\

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