FS: Heath Test equipment manuals

Keith Heitzmann kk5fe at COMMUNIQUE.NET
Thu Apr 16 11:01:03 EDT 1998

I have the following manuals for sale:

Heath FM Test Oscillator Model FMO-1
seems to be a copy from Heath, good condition ----------------$3.00

Instruction sheet for the 40KV Probe meter
Original ---------------------------------------------------------------$2.00

VOM  Model MM-1
Original , some writing inside, not bad ----------------------------$4.00

VTVM Model V-6
Original, plenty check marks inside, looks to be all in pencil.--$4.00

VTVM Model V-7
Original, nice shape, a little yellowing on some pages. ----------$4.00

VTVM Model V-7A
Original condensed manual from Heath, nice shape --------------$3.00

Decade Resistance  Model DR-1
Original, almost looks new -------------------------------------------$3.00

Signal generator   Model SG-8
Copy of condensed manual, good shape --------------------------FREE

If interested in any of this, let me know via email. Please add mailing
cost to this, but will probably be under a buck.


Keith   KK5FE
                          --- AMI# 837 ---
---------- Visit my Vintage Radio Web Site -------------
------- http://www.communique.net/~kk5fe ------------
Collector of tube radio's and vintage fishing equipment

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