Ex. K5QYY on with DX-20 after 39 yrs.

Robert L Stolzle ac5am at JUNO.COM
Fri Apr 17 17:17:04 EDT 1998

Hey fellows,

I finally found that DX-20 I have been looking for to replicate my novice
stn back
in the summer of 1958... Thanks to Stan, KF6IKC who had one in an estate
was disposing of.

Look for me on 7045 or 7050 early evenings and on 80M BA freq also when
not so bad... Will be using the DX-20 for sure...  WOW what a beautiful
little rig...
It had a problem in it but all worked out now. It puts out a whoppin 25

See y'all on BA freqs,

73,   Bob   AC5AM   (ex. K5QYY vintage 1958)

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