Some books for trade or?...

Mike Silva KK6GM mjsilva at IX.NETCOM.COM
Sat Apr 18 20:45:49 EDT 1998

Hi all,

I've got some duplicate books that aren't doing me any good and I
thought I'd see if anybody else wants to swap for them.  I'm looking
for other '30s-'40s era Handbooks, variable caps (esp. 3 gang
receiving and/or moderate power transmitting), dials, meters, other
useful homebrewing items.  Prefer to swap rather than sell, but will
sell rather than keep them around.

Here's what I've got:

1) E&E Radio Handbook 9th ed. (1942).  I'm amazed they were still
printing these during the war.  Good shape, lots of projects (I'm
building a receiver similar to the "3 tube superhet").

2) E&E Radio Handbook 11th ed. (1947).  Cover is somewhat beat up, but
inside is fine except for the inevitable postwar yellowing paper.

3) Radio Engineering Handbook by Terman (1943).  My choice for
favorite tube-era textbook.  This one's in very good shape.  It's
called a "Textbook Edition" because the covers are the standard
hardbound thickness rather than the thinner covers on my other one.
Contents are identical.

4) Practical Radio Communication by Nilson and Hornung (1943).  2nd
ed. of their 1935 book.  Lots of theory and plenty of schematics of
commercial gear.  This one has also held up well.

Mike, KK6GM

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