Looking for R-392 Info

Keith Heitzmann kk5fe at COMMUNIQUE.NET
Thu Apr 30 01:51:03 EDT 1998


I just came back from the Baton Rouge, La. Ham Fest with a very nice all
original R-392. Made by Federal MFG. and Engineering Corp. Order number
4096-PP-60, s/n 41.

Now the question is, what are the pin's used for the 24 volts in the power
connector. I dont have the connector, but do have a solid state power supply.

If anyone has an extra power connector, I'd like to purchase it. In the
Fair catalog they say you have to buy the radio before you can buy the
connector. Also would there be an original manual floating around forsale?
I can get a copy from Fair.

I guess the last thing is, is there any "gotcha's" with this rig that I
should look out for?

Thanks in advance,

Keith   KK5FE

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