What is a BiPush Exciter circuit (4-25 ?)

Stanley Wilson microres at CRL.COM
Sun Aug 2 09:21:47 EDT 1998

I ran across an ad in a 1939 magazine for a 4 band transmitter using a
BiPush circuit.  The transmitter covers 4 bands, 25 watts out, no plug-in
coils and no band switch.  It appears to be using two 6L6GT's and a 807.

The ad reads "The 4-25 is foolproof, has no tricky adjustments, and may
be keyed or modulated.  Originated by Mr. Smith W6BCX in December (1938)
issue of radio.  40 watts of output and 15 watts Dynapush.  5 seconds to
change bands.  4 bands, 25 watts output."

Anyone know what the circuit actual is ?   Sounds like something that
would be fun to build.  They also have an ad for a better exciter the
"XT3" that replaces the Bi-Push that has equal output on all bands (25
watts), changes bands in 4 seconds, no trick circuits, no neutralzing
known as the Smith Exciter.

Both of these sound like something we need today.  Hi  Both came from the
Radio Supply company in LA.

de stan ak0b

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