Tempe Reflectors

Eugene Rippen soundval at FOOTHILL.NET
Sun Aug 9 15:33:29 EDT 1998

I really appreciate Dave, and Tempe, and everyone elese involved
in maintaining these lists.
BUT!  Brian is right.  A totally useless message is
still a totally useless message.
I have objected to getting such emails several times
in the past.  At least, Brian seems to have more clout,
he gets a reply, I never did.


Kenneth D. Grimm wrote:
> Yes, thanks Dave and Thanks Tempe, but please stop sending the
> confirmations.  If my message gets through, I'll get my copy as a result
> of being subscribed to the reflector.  I don't need a separate
> confirmation.  Confirmations add to the load on the net and provide
> useless (or at least redundant) information.
> Soundimp wrote:
> >
> > Brian..  Feel  thankful  that  the  city  of  Tempe  and  Dave  allow  us
> > to  be  there...
> > That  message  tells  you  that  you  did  right  in  your  delivery  to
> > the  listserv..
> > Thanks  Dave  and  Tempe  for  all  you  do...73's   Bob  K1JNN

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