FS?FT: R-808/GRC-14 Receiver

Thu Aug 13 09:08:50 EDT 1998

         Here's a heavy boatanchor for anyone interested!  An R-808/GRC-14
receiver in good physical condition and appears to be working.  Looks almost
new inside!  I have absolutely no idea of the value of this beast.  I'd like
to swap it for "what have you" that might be of interest to me.  Pickup
only, as this one
would cost a bundle to ship! (It weighs around 75 pounds!)  Looks like you
could drop it off a cliff and it would survive!
        It covers about 1.8-32 Mhz in about 6 bands.  It is sort of
semi-bandspreaded to boot!  It takes forever to crank the dial from one end
of a band to the other, kinda like a BC-348 twice over.  It has a built-in
RTTY converter (not tried), and will run from 115 VAC or 24 VDC.  I don't
have any books or schematics for it.
        I'm looking for a Gonset Communicator III for 6 meters that's complete,
An "RAL" receiver with or without power supply, or ???
Sandy W5TVW

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