BC info needed, and FS

Bruce Sugarberg bsugarberg at FREEWWWEB.COM
Fri Aug 14 10:42:45 EDT 1998

Hi Allan,

You might be able to find the info you are looking for in either the
"World Radio TV Handbook", or the "Passport To World Band Radio".

Good luck,

Bruce Sugarberg, WA8TNC
bsugarberg at freewwweb.com

N5AIT Allan Stephens wrote:

> Gang:
>      Daughter of a friend is having zero luck researching a
> master's degree paper involving broadcast policies in Belgium
> from about 1989 on.  (And I am glad I have long since stopped playing
> in the fields of academe...).  She was contacting embassies, etc.
> with no luck - how many amabassadors know about radio..  I suggested
> finding the regulatory agency comparable to FCC...
>      If any of you can give other directions she can aim, whom to
> contact (even in Belgium), please let me know and I shall forward
> the info to her.
>      And for sale (keep it legit BA):  Collins 75S-3 receiver,
> good condition, SSB and CW mechanical filters, SN 14k - winged
> emblem:  $685, you ship (will travel out to about 100 miles from
> Richmond, Kentucky, 100 mi south of Cincinnati on I-75).
>      73,  Al  N5AIT
>    modsteph at acs.eku.edu
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