VF-1 with DX-60B?

Bill Meara wmeara at EROLS.COM
Sun Aug 16 20:27:00 EDT 1998

I just finished re-building a Heath VF-1 VFO.  Lots of fun.  Its up and

I want to use it with my DX-60B, primarily on AM phone.

The VF-1 was designed to be used with the DX-40, DX-35 type transmitters
that used cathode keying.

The DX-60B uses grid block keying.

I'm trying to figure out the best way to interface the VF-1 with the DX-60B.
The accessory plug on the DX60B provides HV and filament voltages, no
problem there. However, pin 8 of the accesory plug on the 60 provides -60
volts key up and (a think) 0 volts key down.  The VF-1 is really just
looking for pin 8 to go to ground on key down, and to be open on key up.

I'm looking for an easy way of doing this.  How about just putting the -60
volts on the VF-1's 6AU6 grid, thus shutting it down while in the receive
mode.  Will this be harmful to my health?

Anyone got the adjustment portion of the VF-1 manual?

73 de N2CQR
Bill Meara, Falls Church, Virginia
wmeara at erols.com     G-QRP #7965

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