Globe Chief 90 Tuneup????

Ted Busky tjb94002 at UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU
Sun Aug 23 21:56:30 EDT 1998

Globe Chief 90 Tuneup????
I am trying to tune up my Globe Cheif Model 90 into 50 ohms. I adjust
the oscillator tuning for max final current. Then adjust the tune
capacitor to get a minumum of about 100ma (with another set of 807 s, I
got about 120ma). Then I adjust the load capacitor and only get a slight
increase (10-20ma) on full clockwise. Nowhere near the 180 ma needed for
full power. Thinking I might not have enough load capacitance, I added
370pf and got no change. Now I have all week to think about it till next

I have a manual for a Globe Chief Deluxe. The schematic is quite close
except for the oscillator and output tanks. The Deluxe says it will tune
50 to 600 ohms. But, the Model 90 has a SO259 added to the back. The
original connector hole is about 1/2  but the SO259 body is about 5/8 .
This makes me think the Model 90 might not have been a 50 ohm output.

Is there something I am missing? I don t thing I have two sets of weak
tubes. Can some one send me the tuning instructions?

Thanks for the help. Ted, N1XLW, tjb94002 at

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