Conar 400 TX On the Air

Freeberg, Scott (STP) scott.freeberg at GUIDANT.COM
Mon Aug 24 10:29:14 EDT 1998

After a couple of weeks of using my Ameco AC-1 on 40 meters, I decided
to go QRO and put the Conar 400 on the air.

First thing I noticed was some chirp when I key up.  I recall hearing
someone mention that the chirp is "characteristic" (a feature) of the
400.  Its ok, has character.  The 400 tuned up fine on 40 meters.  I had
a nice qso with a fellow on the east coast.  Hey, this 10-15 watts is
great!  I was using the Collins 75A4 for receive.

I have not had any luck on 7050 BA though.  Band conditions are not that
good on 40 meters lately!  I have been staying pretty much around 7040
qrp freq.  I will keep trying 7050 though.

Sometime I would like to find a nice Heath DX-20 and go super high


Scott WA9WFA in Saint Paul Minn

This week: Conar 400 and Collins 75A4
Last week:  Ameco AC-1 and Collins 75A4

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