FS: 10 Meter AM/SSB Projects

Rick Arland k7sz at JUNO.COM
Tue Aug 25 19:49:31 EDT 1998


I have procured several "classic" CB sets over the last couple of years
that I had originally intended to put on 10 meters. Looking over my list
of projects, there just ain't gonna be 'nuff time. Soooooooooo....if
anyone is interested here is what I have for sale:

1. PolyComm-II  4-chnl vacuum tube CB set in excellent condition with
mobile mount and power cord. No mic....but I do have a Turner +2 that
will work....you have to scrounge your own mic connector. This is the
set Don Patrick did a 2-part restoration article on in Popular
last year. A copy of this article will go with the rig. You'll need Sams
PhotoFacts #2 ($10 from AG Tannenbaum). $40.00

2. KnighKit 2590  5-chnl vacuum tube CB set in fair condition with mic.
You'll need Sams CB PhotoFact #11.  $25.00

3. SBE Sidebander-III  23 chnl solid-state (boo...hissssss..) in vy gd
w/mic and mobile mt. Change 4 xtals and you are on 10 meter SSB. I have
the Lou Franklin (CBC International) info on coverting this rig plus a 73
article from the early 80s. You'll need Sams CB PhotoFact #61.  $45.00

4. Hallicrafters CB-21  8-chnl CB set in vy gd condition w/mic. Don't
the Sams CB Photofact. $30.00

5. Tramm Diamond 23 chnl AM/SSB CB rig . Have Sams CB #62 for this one
but it needs work...finals are blown. Have the mic and mobile mt. $30.00

Shipping on all these is extra. IF someone wants all five rigs for $150,
will pay the shipping to one address.

If you need a good project or two (or three....) send me a private e-mail
we'll deal.

73 Rich Arland, K7SZ

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