For Sale or Trade

Fri Aug 28 15:14:09 EDT 1998

I have the following Equipment For Sale or Trade, make me an offer,  need
to make room in my shop,shack,train room, I will trade for American Flyer
Trains.The TCS will be sold or traded in 2 lots. If anyone wants  any
more info  on a piece I will be happy to answer it.I live on Cape Cod.
Buyer pays shipping or pickup.
Thanks Al N1PIC
lot 1                   Ser#
TCS 9   Receiver                3433            Collins Radio
TCS 9   Transmitter     3433            Collins Radio
TCS 9   Manual                          Collins Radio
TCS     A C Power Supply        3441            Collins Radio
TCS     Cables   cables very stiff 1, plug missing      $250
for lot  1
lot 2
TCS 13  Receiver                1945            Hamilton Radio
TCS 13  Transmiter      1945            Hamilton Radio Corp
TCS 13  Control Box     1945            Hamilton Radio Corp
TCS 13  Manual          1945            Hamilton Radio
                                                   $250  for lot 2
All the radios are complete, unmodifed as far as I can see, cosmetically
the TCS's have paint flaking on cabinets, Dusty ,1 unit has some masking
tape on it, the power supply is missing 1 of the chokes, the cables are
very stiff & one is missing a plug. Possible TCS DC pwr supply coming.

Receiver                                                        $125
 The R-100/URR Receiver is  Broadcast & short wave the bands  Possible
Moral Radio it has 3 SW bands which are  . 54 - 1. 5 mhz , 3 .6 - 8.5
mhz, and 8. 5 - 19. 0 mhz, it runs on120 ac or batteries. It's painted
OD,it has a signal corps stamp and another stencil (27148 Phila 1944
03),it looks like it was never used,some paint flaking ,but does not
work..other than that it is in nice cond..I found it has comes with a
schematic printed on masonite under the chassis.

I 151 A Oscillator( MOD 101)     334 Espy Mfg Co NY
NY      $25
704     Sig Gen  w/manual       Radio City Products
NY,NY   $25
157 Tube Tester  w/manual Accurate Instrument Co. NY,NY         $15
280 Weston Volt/ampmeter        w/leather case          $10
1421  NorthEastern Engineering Converter Unit  in shipping
case    10-100 mhz AS IS $15

Weston  #201    2 1/2” panel
meter   0-1KVDC 1m      ext res.
Weston  #506    2 1/2” panel
meter   0-1KVDC 1m      ext res.
Weston  #201    2 1/2” panel meter      0-2. 5KVDC
50K     ext res.
Weston  #506    2 1/2” panel meter      0-2. 5KVDC
        50k     ext res.
GE SC IS-122 2 1/2” panel meter 0-15 V ac/dc Model 8AW-41   F/BC 375 ?
 Meters  $15 ea

2 CRYSTAL OVENS by BLILEY Type TCO-2    8pin Octal 6.3v Fil
#1  has 2 crystals    1 48353.333 kc  2 2876.250 kc   #2  has 1 crystal
   1 7460.000kc

ARRL   Radio Amateur's  Hand Book               1963    $15
ARRL   Radio Amateur's  Hand Book               1973    $12
Cowan Publ The New Mobile Handbook      By William J Orr W6SAI 1956$15

Oct 1936, Dec 1939, May 1939, June 1940
Jan-Dec 1934 in QST Binder 1934
June 1944,Oct 1945, Feb-Dec 1946 in QST Binder 1946
Jan-Dec 1948 in QST Binder 1948

Radio   Feb 1941                        $60 or B.O. for the lot

I have the following Test Equipment &  Manuals For Sale or Trade, All
manuals are orignial or other wise indicated. Will Trade for American
Flyer Trains.
Most are $12 + shipping. Open to all offers.

B & K

465             CRT Tester      Instruction Manual
465             CRT Tester      Setup Charts & Misc obsolete
466             CRT Tester      Setup Charts & Misc obsolete
607             Tube Tester     Setup Guide
1076            T.V. Analyst    Parts List & Schematic


245     Miniature Tri Phase Digital MM  Instruction Manual


208             Oscilloscope    OP & Instruction Serv Man
RA-500/501      T.V. Chassis    Serv Data               1958


232             P/P VTVM        Construction Manual
232/249 VTVM                    Instruction Manual
232/249 VTVM            Factory Troubleshooting Man Copy
221             VTVM            Instruction Manual      1952
221             VTVM            Instruction Manual      1952
                UNIPROBE        OP & Assy Instructions
460             DC Wide Band Oscope     Instruction Manual
944             Flyback Xfmr & yoke Tester Construction Manual


TVG-2   T.V. Sig Gen    Instruction Manual              1958


90902/90942     Cathode Ray Oscope Service
Manual  1969    COPY
90932           Modulation Mon Oscope Service Manual
        1960    COPY
90651           Grid Dip Meter  Service
Manual          1965    COPY


CG10/12 Loboy Color Gen         Service Manual
CR143   CRT Tester                              Service Manual
FE14/16 Field Effect Meter              Service Manual
FE14/16 Field Effect Meter              Service Manual
FE14    Field Effect Meter                      ervice Manual
PS148   5” Wide Band Oscilloscope& Vector Scope Service Manual
TR139           Transistor Tester               Service Manual
Misc            Sencore Catalogs                W/ holespunched

WO-79B  Oscilloscope                    OP & Instruction Serv
WV-97A  Senior Voltohmyst               OP & Instruction Serv Man
WV-98C  Senior Voltohmyst               OP & Instruction Serv Man
WV-98C  Senior Voltohmyst               OP & Instruction Serv Man


260             Series 6/6H VOM         Operators Manual
390             V.A. Wattmeter          Operators Manual
460             Digital VOM             Operators Manual
460             Digital VOM     Factory Service Manual Copy


1293            BiPolar Digital Panel Meter     Service Manual

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