F.S. Rx. Tuning Knobs for AN/ ARC-5, SCR-274N, RAT and RAV Receivers etc...

Tony Grogan wsno19 at MINDSPRING.COM
Wed Dec 16 10:07:15 EST 1998

I have for sale approx 30 BRAND NEW BOXED "dial controls" for these Rx's.
ARC P# 18802. These dial controls were manufactured in 1977?@#$ and are NSN

Originally designed for receiver incremental tuning i.e. accurate setting of
dial either (a) in A/Craft or (b) on a test bench to verify I.F.passband,
 I have used them with the ARC 12 series ) they are solid milled aluminium
with an incremental scale and adjustable pointer..very nice!

I would prefer to "trade" for other "ARC-5 etc" "stuff", i.e. Junction
Boxes, ""adapter drawers" for rx's, a T-17/ARC-5? etc or certain lightweight
"SCR" items ( w.h.u? ) ..however...if all you have is cash?..the price is
$15.00 each plus postage.

Happy Boatanchoring. Tony Grogan. WA4MRR

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