Hallicrafters HT-32/SX-62 Colors

Al Dolgosh al.dolgosh at HAMRADIO.ORG
Thu Dec 17 11:44:36 EST 1998

A few weeks ago, there was some discussion about the correct aftermarket
colors for repainting the silver/charcoal Hallicrafters cabinets.  I am
refinishing the cabinet for a Hallicrafters T-54 television set (final
inspection tag - November 1, 1948).  It is an HT-32 style hinged-lid

I have found that I agree with the concensus that an automotive paint -
Duplicolor #T-229 Silver Metallic Truck & Van Paint - is a very good
match in color and surface appearance.  Also, it is probably more
durable than "hardware store" colors. I have already refinished the top
with it.

However, I found there was disagreement on the reflector about the
black/charcoal bottom color. Apparently Hallicrafters, like Heathkit,
etc., used several slight variations of the same color theme throughout
their model/production runs.

While I am tempted to try the Rustoleum 7777 flat black, I feel that my
original cabinet color was more nearly a dark charcoal, than the solid
black. I say this only because I probably will not refinish the lower
front panel, which is the same as the cabinet color.  It would be a real
problem to silk screen the lettering back onto it (8-3/4" x 19" rack
size), even if I could find someone to handle that job.

Has anyone come up with a "charcoal" color they like?

Thanks es 73,

Al - K8EUR

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