Xmas Presents FS

Richard Arland k7sz at EPIX.NET
Sat Dec 19 21:40:06 EST 1998

I have the following BAs for sale. Treat yourself to a nice Xmas
present....you deserve it!


S-53 receiver: fully restored, recapped (orange drops) and aligned.
Works great. New dial cords and line cord. Original knobs and manual.
Price: $100 split shipping.

HT-18 VFO/Exciter: fully restored, recapped (orange drops) and aligned.
This one also works great. New dial cord and line cord. Original knobs
and manual.
Price: $100 split shipping.

These two were bought as a BA QRP station. The HT-18 puts out about 4
watts of RF. I'm selling them because I have lost my ham shack, which is
being turned back into a bedroom. The new shack location is a single
computer table which is already crowded with gear....thus, the BAs must
go. I'd like to sell this pair as a set. If you want the pair, I'll pay
the shipping.


IC-21 (NOT the "A" model). This is an oldie but goodie from the early
1970s. Works great. 12 of the 24 channels are filled (common pairs and a
couple of simplex freqs).
Price: $50 and you ship.


CM-1 CONELRAD monitor (circa late 50s). Restored, and works excpet for
the alert tone. No manual.
Price: $35 and you ship.

Private e-mail, only, please.

73 es Happy Holidays.

Rich K7SZ

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