FS: Hammarlund HQ-170C

Parker, Al al_parker at RESEARCH.KAISERAL.COM
Sun Feb 1 19:04:00 EST 1998

Hi Folks,
        I need to reduce bulk & increase space for other projects.  This
rcvr works very well, looks good, with the exception of a "well placed"
toggle switch at the top of the front panel to operate the lamps.  Clean in
& out.  No yellowing of clock or dials.  (24 hr clock)  All knobs are
nice/original, except the clock knob, which is a small red Tek-Scope item.
(I've rarely seen the clock knob on these).

        $175 plus shipping from SF Bay Area.  (can meet within 50 mi.)

73, Al, W8UT   w8ut at juno.com
                   or (al_parker at kacc.com for the next week only)

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