Cleaning Out the BAs

Richard H. Arland, K7SZ k7sz at JUNO.COM
Sat Feb 7 12:06:49 EST 1998

My wife and I have decided to sell our 5 bedroom house and move into a
small apartment. Therefore, I am parting with all of my BAs (except for
the TR-4C and the SB-310) due to lack of room for storing and no
workbench area.

The following is a list of the pieces I have for sale. Shipping is
extra....and the responsibility of the buyer. I will not split up
sets/stations, so please don't ask.

1.  Heathkit SB-301/401 station which also includes: SB-610 Monitor
Scope, SB-630 Station Console (w/SWR/PWR meter, Phone patch, Clock & ID
Timer), Speaker and late model "base station" mic and all manuals.
$300.00 + sh.

2. Heathkit HW-101/HP-23A supply, hand mic and manuals, $150.00 + sh.

3. Hammarlund HQ-170A. Completely recapped and realigned. No clock.
w/manual reprint.  $100.00 + sh.

4. Hallicrafters SX-110. Completely recapped and realigned. Repainted
cabinet. w/reprint manual. $100.00 + sh.

5. Hallicrafters CRX-1 30-50 Mc Low Band VHF monitor receiver. No
manual/ruff cosmetic shape but restorable. $30.00 + sh.

6. Heathkit GR-64 General Coverage RX. No manual. $40.00 + sh.

Private e-mail only, please....or call me at (717) 825-5395 (machine


rich K7SZ

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