Just got my ham radio page together...

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Mon Feb 9 05:16:46 EST 1998


This is great news - we will look forward to seeing it!

Bry, AF4K / G3XLQ

On  8 Feb 98 at 23:31, Dave wrote:

> Hello all,
> Sorry for the 'group broadcast', but I just wanted to put
> the word out I got my first ham radio page together, with
> lots of pix of Drake, Collins, Heath, and other such rigs
> of the past.
> Take a look, and let me know what you think.  I apologize
> for any blatant errors - it's a 'work in progress'.
> Also, I list an email address of 'dx40 at juno.com'.  I did this
> as a spam dodge.  Now the spambots will pick up my 'lesser'
> email address, and keep this one free of garbage (I post to
> newsgroups with the Juno address as well).  So if you want,
> you can just reply to my 'normal' email address of nyet at ix.netcom.com.
> Thanks to all and 73,
> Dave WB7AWK
> Tacoma, WA
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*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA  *
**  E-mail to:  bry at mnsinc.com                     *
*** ICQ 6124470  ***
**  http://www.mnsinc.com/bry/                     *
AM International #1024, TENTEN #13582. GRID FM19. Using a SWAN 250 on 6m,
Other rigs: Valiant, DX-60/HG-10, FT-840, TM-261A, Ameco TX-62, Gonset Comm. III
TEN-TEN #13582, DXCC #17,763 Bicentennial WAS

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