EICO and RCA Manuals Needed

Gary Harmon gharmon at TXDIRECT.NET
Mon Feb 9 20:58:42 EST 1998

Help!  Need to get copies of the following manuals.  Thanks in advance.

EICO 145 Signal Tracer
EICO 147 Signal Tracer
EICO 377 Sine and Square Wave Generator
EICO 460 Scope
EICO 710 Grid Dip Meter
EICO 950B Reactance-Capacitance-Comparator Bridge
EICO 1064 Battery Eliminator

RCA WA-44C Audio Generator
RCA WV-98C Sr VoltOhmyst

Gary H. Harmon, Jr., K5JWK
6302 Robin Forest
San Antonio, TX  78239-3218
(210) 657-1549
gharmon at txdirect.net

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