4 Sale "Whole lotta Boatanchors"

KJ6HI Leo radioleo at EARTHLINK.NET
Tue Feb 10 01:26:49 EST 1998

Whole  Lotta Boatanchors 4 Sale

Drake R-4A
Drake T-4X
Drake AC-4
Drake T-4XB
Drake R-4B
Drake MS-4
Drake AC-4
Drake TR-7
Drake 2B Receiver
Drake Q multiplier
Johnson Valiant
Johnson Ranger
Johnson Ranger II - SOLD
Central Electronics 100V - SOLD
Central Electronics Slicer - SOLD
Central Electronics Slicer
RME 4350 Receiver
Hammarlund HQ-180AC
Ameritron AL-80A  Amplifier
Hallicrafter Cyclone III - SOLD
Hallicrafter Power supply - SOLD
Hallicrafter HA-20 VFO - SOLD
Hallicrafter HT-32A
Hallicrafter HT-37
Hallicrafter SX-117 - SOLD
Hallicrafter SX-110
Hallicrafter SX-101
National 173
National 183
Heath Kit DX-100
Heath Kit DX-100
Heath Kit HW-101
Heath Kit Power supply
"LIKE NEW" Globe Chief 90 transmitter
in Original box, & Manual I don't think it was ever used!!!
Globe VFO - 755A

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