FT: 1940's or 50's Homebrew transmitting station

J. Douglas Hensley, W5JV w5jv at JUNO.COM
Tue Feb 10 17:51:55 EST 1998

For Trade:  One lot of 50's era or earlier (possibly WW2 era)  homebrew
equipment: (4 pieces by one builder).  Two transmitters, one keyer, and
one variac power control source.  I will have to describe as I have no
digital camera to use for image capture.

(1)  One xmtr is a 6 meter AM with 5763 driver and what looks like a 6146
(or taller) final up in the cage.  Four tubes have shields.  11" deep, 9"
high, 15" wide across the face.  3 xtal positions with VFO input jack on
front.  In the unit's center there is a power xmfr and a 10 hv choke
immediately behind.  On left side are two porcelin octal sockets fairly
close together which might be for modulator tubes, dunno.   So about 6
tubes and 2 empty octal sockets.  There is a Collins audio isolation xmfr
(or interstage xmfr?) ratio 1. to 1.0, 20Watts, gray with milspec label
on top.  Two meters on the face.  A round black military type 0 - 10 ma
in the top center, and a plastic square 0 - 150 ma to the right of it.
Microphone jack mounted on front along with jacks, switches, etc.  Black
wrinkle WW2 type BUD enclosure with lift top.  Tubes in place except for
the two octals which might be rectifiers.  Cabinet and parts at least
visually look to be in great shape.

(2)  The other xmtr appears to be an HF rig with built in VFO.  As with
the 6 meter AM rig, it is metered with switches & pots but nothing is
labeled.  The VFO dial is the National 30's-40's velvet vernier type with
fine printed scale scrolling through small concentric windows; National
Ni plated acorn nut in center.  On top of this is an edge faced 0 - 10 ma
meter.  To the left of this, almost centered near top is a square 0 - 50
ma meter.  Two switches in vert. row to left, four controls along bottom.
 Cabinet and parts look fine.  The pwr xmfr leads were unsoldered for
either testing, trouble shooting or whatever.  My impression is that the
old-timer who used these knew exactly what he was doing and the units
appear to have been used very successfully.  I.e., these are not
bread-boarded pieces.. Again, WW2 BUD steel case, black wrinkle finish,
lift top.  8" deep, 7" high, 14" wide across the face.  7 tube compliment
with what looks like 6V6's in use as final and one other purpose.   My
guess is that it is a classic little cw rig.  VFO tube and most tubes on
shielded socket bases, some shields in place.  All tubes there.  Cabinet
and parts visually are in fine shape.

(3)  There is also a vacuum tube keyer and cpo.  Built in black steel box
similar in appearance to the old upright Ameco tube cpo's.  Again, black
wrinkle, BUD type enclosure, late 40's styling.  5" deep, 6" wide across
face, 9" tall. Speaker opening is classic octal socket holes arranged in
circular pattern with one in center.  6 tubes including what looks like
an OA2.  Small al. carry handle on top.  The layout reminds me of the
vacuum tube TO keyer from QST which was popular in the 60's.

(4)  Variac power source.  Black steel cabinet with Variac mounted nicely
in the center.  Nice round black meters, one on left and one on right.
One reads 0 - 150V, the other reads 0 - 5 amperes.  There is a pull out
male cord on left front and a pull out female cord on right side.  Both
cords are on spring loaded "storing" type reels.  Very nice touch.  Nice
professional job and fits well with station.    6" deep, 7" tall, 12"

My instinct tells me that while the owner may well have made changes as
he needed to, this station was built originally during WW2 and then used
throughout the 50's.  The equipment styling is definitely 40's.  So, if
you like de ja vue and have always wanted to get your hands on a little
homebrew station of the period this would give you a lot of investigative
hands-on enjoyment.

Contact me via private email if interested.   Available as a lot only and
I do not wish to separate.   I am open to trade offers of equipment
surplus to your needs or reasonable cash offers plus shipping.   At the
same time, I also would like to see these go to someone who will take
care of them, so will work with anyone demonstrating good intentions.

73 and thanks for reading,,

Doug W5JV

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