For Sale: Eico Model 377 Sine Wave/Square Wave Generator

J.Douglas Hensley w5jv at JUNO.COM
Thu Feb 19 00:59:18 EST 1998

Good Morning to all,

I've found one more Eico model 377.  Here is the description:

20 hz to 200 khz in 4 bands.  Classic waveform generator of the 50's in
traditional black knob on silver panel styling. Approx. 8 " deep, 7 "
tall, 11" wide; approx. 20+ lbs.  From the manual:  Sine Wave range: 20
hz  - 200 khz.  Square wave range 60 hz - 30 khz (5% tilt at 60 hz, 5%
rounding at 30 khz.  Calibration accuracy: +/- 3% or 1 hz, whichever is
greater. Frequency response: =/- 1.5 db, 60 hz - 150 khz.  With manual
copy.  Produced well into the 60's as I understand it.   All original.
Add $3 for manual copy.  The inside is very nice, the outside is very
dusty.   From estate.

These are very helpful when working audio to see how the waveform is
effected as the gain is increased.  Also very useful as a signal
injector.  Nice vintage tube gear.

$25 plus shipping from 70806.  Please send zipcode with request.

73,  Doug W5JV

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