SP600 cabinets--new!!

Clark Thompson cmthomp1 at FACSTAFF.WISC.EDU
Fri Feb 20 10:46:35 EST 1998

Chris and all,

Careful here.  I looked into this some time ago, and I believe the
correct cabinet is the DCR-18100.  The DCR-100 is only 15.25" deep-- not
deep enough for the SP-600.  The DCR-18100 is 18" deep.

Also, these cabinets normally come in a "smoked blue" finish.  I believe
that the "charcoal gray" would be closest to the original.  The price of
the DCR-18100 is $110.52, not much more than the DCR-100.

I've been thinking about ordering one, so maybe now's the time...


Clark, KD9QI

cmthomp1 at facstaff.wisc.edu

Chris Galbraith wrote:
> Gang,
> I spoke with Tony Bozza at Premier Metal Products this a.m.
> They made the original factory cabs for the SP600 and can still make
> them but need 25 orders for a run.
> With my order, they have 6 so far (need 19 more orders).
> If you'd like one--call Tony at 718-993-9200 and tell him you'd like to
> order one (or more!)--part # is DCR-100, the best part--the price is
> $104.  A steal compared to Bud products.
> Hooray!
> 73, Chris KA8WFC
> p.s.  Premier has great prices and chassis and rack cabs, too--and no, I
> don't work for them!!  :)
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