FS: Heathkit/Eico/Archerkit Manuals

Richard H. Arland, K7SZ k7sz at JUNO.COM
Fri Feb 20 21:26:12 EST 1998

Today one of the locals presented me with some boxes from an estate of a
deceased ham. I haven't gone through everything, however there are about
40+ manuals on various Heathkit/Eico/Archerkit equipment. Most manuals
are in excellent to vy gd condx. All are complete with schematics,
pictorial foldouts, etc.

There is no ham, SW or CB gear manuals included in this mess.

Most of the manuals are for test equipment, portable AM radios,
electronic trainers, console TV manuals, color dot-bar gens, CRT
rejuvinators,HV power supplies, digital and analog multimeters, scope
calibrators, 3" Eico 5 mhz O-scope,Eico tube testers, Eico RF & AF gens,
and Archerkit VOMs.

I really don't want to sell this stuff individually. Soooooooo, if anyone
wants to take the entire bunch off my hands, please contact me by private
e-mail and we can negotiate. MINIMUM starting point is $200.00 for the
entire stock of manuals. Some are duplicates, but, after looking at the
cost of repo manuals, I don't feel that my price is out of line.

73 rich K7SZ

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