DEI TDU-4 Telemetry Display Unit - Info Needed

Dennis Gibbs dgibbs at RATIONAL.COM
Sat Jan 10 12:24:45 EST 1998

Greetings everyone,

As you all have probably heard by now, Electronic Equipment Bank (EEB) in Vienna, VA,
is closing their retail operations.  The owner, Dick Robinson, is selling much of his personal

I visited the store last Saturday, and found an interesting boatanchor for sale.  It's made by
Defense Electronics, Inc.  It's a Telemetry Display Unit, or in other words, a panoramic
adapter.  Other than very light dust, its condition is Like New!

It's all tubes, 18 including the CRT and 6-5 Ballast tube.  It has an odd IF input frequency of
21.4 MHz.  At first, I passed this unit over because I thought nothing I had has a 21.4MHz IF
frequency.  Then I suddenly remembered my Nems-Clarke AM/FM 55-260 MHz tube receiver.
It also has a 21.4 MHz IF!

So I brought it home with me.  It works great.  I'd like to know if anyone has

1) A manual, or any available information.
2) I'd like to get some spare 6-5 Ballast tubes.  It's made by Amperite.  But my Ballast tube
handbook doesn't list the ratings for this.   Does anyone know the ratings or have a spare that
they'd like to sell?

Dennis Gibbs
dgibbs at

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