FT-101 series radios

Jake Hellbach kk5hy at ACCESSCOM.NET
Wed Jan 14 10:23:43 EST 1998

Hi Adam,
The ones I know about are below.
101EE 160, 10 meter AM,SSB,CW. didn't have speech processor.
101E same as above but had built in speech processor.
101ZD same as about but more bells and whistles, also had a digital model.
I had the 101EE and liked it very much, you can pick these up for $150.00
-$350.00. I have the 101ZD and it has more noise filtering and better speech
Hope this helps.
Jake KK5HY

At 10:31 PM 1/13/98 -0800, Adam McLaughlin wrote:
>Hi there,
>How do the various models of FT-101s stack up? I have a friend who is
>looking for one of these, and he doesn't know which one that he wants. Can
>anybody out there give me a rundown on what the suffixes mean, and which
>one you think is best?
>Adam McLaughlin KD6POC
>KD6POC at JPS.net
>ICQ #6147499
>AIM "Screen Name" is: kd6poc
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