Rack mount for T195/R392

Bob Perry rperry at STNY.LRUN.COM
Wed Jan 14 16:53:34 EST 1998

Could you post the address of Surplus Jeep Parts?  Thanks, Bob   (looking
for a rack cabinet for my R-390A)
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Pewitt <gpewitt at EXECPC.COM>
Date: Tuesday, January 13, 1998 10:05 PM
Subject: Rack mount for T195/R392

>I just got my mounting rack for the T195/R392 and it's
>unused in the mil spec wrapper.  It's from Surplus City
>Jeep Parts in Oroville, California.   It cost 35 bucks
>plus 18 for shipping.  It's heavy!  Now I will need the rest of the
accessories such as the dogbone cable, mike,
>etc.  I thought I had them arranged from Surplus Al but
>he never came through.  I heard he was having family problems.  So, if
anyone has what I will need to get it on the air please let me know.
>I have a 50 amp 28v ps and a 150 amp 28v generator from a military truck so
what I mainly need is cables, antenna, and such.
>Thanks  and 73  Gary
>Name: Gary Pewitt N9ZSV/KT
>      6120 W. Calumet Rd. Apt 204
>      Milwaukee, WI  53223
>      414 355 8147 Home 414 297 4307 Work
>E-mail: gpewitt at execpc.com
>Date: 01/13/98
>Time: 20:55:46
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