WTT: IBM PS2/model 80 system for Transceiver

J. Douglas Hensley, W5JV w5jv at JUNO.COM
Tue Jan 20 00:55:25 EST 1998

For Trade for Hallicrafters or Drake transceiver:

1.  IBM PS2/Model 80 PC (386) with NEC2A monitor.  PC has 200 mb
hard-drive, 10 megs parity RAM, 1.44 floppy,  micro-channel bus, mil-spec
construction.  IBM Tower case with fold out carry handle, swivel out base
WIndows 3.1over Dos 6.22.  Works perfect.  Built to last ten lifetimes.
Plenty of room for expansion. W/battleship tough IBM PS2 keyboard.

2.  Nec 2A monitor has 800 X 600 capability.  Works fine but needs
service adjustments such as convergence.

3.  NIB Sekosha (Seiko) 24 pin printer.

Would serve well in the ham shack.

Would like to trade items 1 - 3 for working Hallicrafters or Drake
transceiver & p.s.  or xmtr/rcvr/spkr station.

73,  Doug

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