FT: Heathkit CI-1020 T Light, SB-634, HO-10

J. Douglas Hensley, W5JV w5jv at JUNO.COM
Thu Jan 22 17:57:43 EST 1998

If you're a diehard Heath fan, here's an easy acquisition.  I have a
Heathkit model CI-1020 electronic T light w/ manual as well as a box of
inexpensive microphones left over from consumer equipments long one.
Email before the 30th  (dumpster day)  if interested.

Also have a Heath SB-634 Station Console (fits SB-104 station) for trade.
 Need the SB-630 model (fits SB-4xx/3xx station).

Also have a Heath HO-10 monitor scope (Apache/Mohawk era) for trade.
Need the HO-13 receiver accessory often called the "pananalyzer".

73,  Doug

w5jv @ juno.com

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