Heath Manuals needed

Gary Pewitt gpewitt at EXECPC.COM
Sun Jan 25 14:38:48 EST 1998

I just acquired a very nice EK-2A/2B radio kit (assembled)
without the manual.  I would very much like to get a copy
of the manual(s).
I also acquired a GD-1150 Ultra Sonic Cleaner kit (unassembled)
and again no manual.  I really want to build this kit and -use- it.
I have tried several manual providers without any luck.
Manuals, copies, or pointers to a source will be fine.  All expenses
gladly paid.  Thanks  Gary
Name: Gary Pewitt N9ZSV/KT
      6120 W. Calumet Rd. Apt 204
      Milwaukee, WI  53223
      414 355 8147 Home 414 297 4307 Work
E-mail: gpewitt at execpc.com
Date: 01/25/98
Time: 11:38:48


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