BC-221, LM-21 Calibration Book

Wally Gibbons wally at MINDY.SYS.SDL.USU.EDU
Mon Jan 26 10:43:10 EST 1998

Found this while cleaning out the file cabinet.. first come, first served.

A calibration book for an LM-21 or BC-221, serial number 1526. If you have this unit and need the book, I'll mail it to you as a prize, freebie. I've never had one of these frequency meters, don't know where the book even came from. But I do feel guilty about having it,,,,,

NOTE, this is the calibration book. Not a user manual. If you don't have this SN frequency meter, this book is pretty useless to you.

Wally Gibbons
wally at mindy.sys.sdl.usu.edu

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