OOPS!! - Double Trouble!!

Brian Carling bry at MNSINC.COM
Sat Jan 31 17:11:08 EST 1998


Sorry but I deleted it!
I am gonna go call CQ CX on 3579 and see who I can raise.
There is like this MASSIVE pile up of BA ops on 3880 right now!

Bry, AF4K

On 31 Jan 98 at 14:09, Allan wrote:

> ...or on the other hand, double the fun, albeit accidentally...
>      I just heard from CX Board Member Jim Hanlon W8KGI that he
> happened to tune thru 40 meters to find CX under way TODAY (Saturday,
> Jan 31), one day early.  Only problem is that CX is tomorrowww...
>      Seems that one of the published announcements put it out wrong.
> How CQ got the wrong date on it I don't know - but of course it is
> a respectable publication and of course it set up an early CX for
> those whose source of info was only it.
>      Which leaves us with the problem of how do we handle it?  And of
> course the answer is simple:  CX was originated to encourage y'all
> to restore and operate all those older pieces out there.  When we
> started it we wanted to make it a low-key contest from an operating
> standpoint, not something that wring you out over an extended period
> of time, so we deliberately set time and hours accordingly.  We added
> one hour to the oridinal eight-hour operating event, but never wanted
> to go to two days - we all have other things happening in our lives.
>      But I am delighted that there is a bunch out there firing up the
> heavy metal.  So executive decision - go ahead and have a ball.  Send
> in results from today and/or tomorrow: just indicate which day the
> operating was on.  Figure scores separately for each day if you end
> up running both days; for those of us who are on one day or the other
> scoring and all is 973*&^*&&
>      *sorry - machine problem*
>      Anyway, send in your scores and stories from whichever day you
> happen to operate and we'll count either.  If you go both days, separate
> the two and score as separate events.  That should take care of it.
> And of course, have a ball!  Remember this is for the fun of it!
>      73,  Al  N5AIT
>    modsteph at acs.eku.edu
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*** 73 from Radio AF4K/G3XLQ Gaithersburg, MD USA  *
**  E-mail to:  bry at mnsinc.com                     *
*** ICQ 6124470  ***
**  http://www.mnsinc.com/bry/                     *
AM International #1024, TENTEN #13582. GRID FM19. Using a SWAN 250 on 6m,
Other rigs: Valiant, DX-60/HG-10, FT-840, TM-261A, Ameco TX-62, Gonset Comm. III
TEN-TEN #13582, DXCC #17,763 Bicentennial WAS

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